Saturday, November 14, 2015

The MASSive Difference

127 dead.  That is the number of people that were killed in a highly coordinated attack in Paris, France on November 13th, 2015.  The world is talking about the tragic events that occurred last night in the City of Love.  The acts, which have been confirmed to be from ISIS, is both horrible and unspeakable.  Many innocent people lost their lives.  Wives lost husbands, husbands lost wives, parents lost children and children lost parents.  All in the name of God.  Or, at least, that's what ISIS believes.  Murder, in the name of God, is not the God that I was raised to believe in.

Many of my friends on Facebook and Instagram have posted many, many photos "Standing with Paris".  Some have even changed their profile photos to include the French flag as a show of support, myself included.  I think that this is incredible and definitely a show of solidarity.  Others, and I need to add, many others, have taken this opportunity to blame this on President Barrack Obama.  Some even going as far as comparing mass shootings in the United States to the terrorist attacks in Paris.  Stop.  Just stop.  These people are comparing apples to oranges.  It is like trying to compare Magic Johnson to Steph Curry.  Or Joe Montana to Tom Brady.  Or Ronald Reagan to Abraham Lincoln.  Or the World War II with the Gulf War.  The two, no matter the comparisons, are completely different beasts that should never be uttered in the same sentence.  Ever.  To do so, to think that mass shootings in America and an attack by a known, psychotic, yet feared terrorist organization are the same, is lunacy.  Don't be "that guy".  This isn't about what President Obama did or what Hillary Clinton will do or who shot up what elementary school.  This is a blatant act of terrorism by a group who does not deny that they are terrorists.  This isn't Adam Lanza killing 28 total people including 20 young children in Sandy Hook Elementary School in 2012 or James Holmes walking into a premiere of The Dark Knight Rises in June of 2012, killing 12 people and injuring 70 more.  This is a TERRORIST ORGANIZATION!  They are Al Qaeda on steroids.  It really is only a matter of time before they attack America.  I seem to not be able to recall anyone comparing the attacks on 9/11 with what Stalin did in Soviet Russia, or what Hitler did in Nazi Germany.  So let's not make the comparisons with what happened in Paris to the mass shootings in this country.

I get it.  People hate President Obama.  That's fine, it is your prerogative and your right.  However, let's compare the two, shall we?  Let's find out if this IS his fault or not.  Mass shootings in America are the cause of some nut job, or mentally ill person or people, who hate a specific group of people for whatever reason or have felt "left out" their entire lives and have been made fun of, bullied or what have you.  Whether that's racism, or religion or political stance or even the love of a certain Superhero.  These people are also those who owned an arsenal of weapons that could arm a small militia.  They decided that putting these weapons of death to use against a certain group of people is a good idea.  So they go and shoot up a school because they didn't fit in and were made fun of because they wore trench coats.  Or they walk into a movie theater on premiere night of one of the most anticipated blockbusters of all time because they think they're the lunatic villain.  Or they walk into an elementary school in the northeast and kill over 20 young children because, well, no one really knows why.  The point that I'm trying to make with these horrific examples is that they are all different incidents carried out by much different people with completely different agendas.

Now on to ISIS.  The group that is responsible for this heinous act of terrorism.  Who are they exactly?  After doing quite a bit of research as to who they really were, I was stunned.  The majority of the high ranking ISIS officials are former Iraqi Army Officers.  Those who were some of the highest ranked Officers in the Iraqi Army under former leader Saddam Hussein.  So how did they get to be in the position that they're in now?  Why did they leave their post with Iraq?  It's simple.  Former President George W. Bush appointed L. Paul Bremer to be in charge of "converting" Iraq, who then told them to get out and never come back to their home nation after Hussein was overthrown by American Forces.  One of many links to where I found this information can be found here if you'd like to look for yourself.  The purpose of this organization is simple, convert the world to Islam or kill those who refuse to do so.  They are all a part of the same group with the same goals and the same hate in their heart.  The comparisons between ISIS and mass shootings in America are night and day.  They simply cannot be compared.  

So let us as a nation not get out of control and start posting lunacy about what happened, how it happened or even the cause of it.  Let us as Americans show our support for Paris and for all of France in their time of tragedy and need in the same way they showed their support for New York and all of America when terrorism and horror hit our own country.

Paris has never forgotten what happened on that fateful day in September, 2011.  Nor should we ever forget what happened on November 13th, 2015.  Stand with Paris.  Feel for all of those who lost their lives and the families that will mourn their loss and forever be affected by these awful acts.  Mourn with them in the same way that France mourned with us.  Continue to leave your Facebook, Instagram and Twitter profile pictures up to show France our continuous support and love.  Let them know that they are all in our hearts, thoughts and prayers.  When America was under attack from Al Qaeda, many countries stood in support of us.  But it was France that stood the longest.  So let's return the favor.  Show them our support.  Let's ALL #StandWithParis

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Starbucks Vs. Jesus

I need to preface this entry by saying that I am a follower of Jesus and that I love He and God very much.  I, like so many other believers in this world, fail as a Christian every day.  I am so thankful for the sacrifice that Jesus made for me on the cross so that my debts would be paid and my sins washed clean.

Unless you've been living under a rock these last few days, you've noticed and probably paid attention to news about Starbucks and their "Red Cups".  Sigh...  In case you have no idea what I'm talking about, here is a photo for you about the aforementioned Starbucks' Red Cups.

"It's a war on Christmas"!  These are the words of Joshua Feuerstein, an Evangelist and social media personality based out of Arizona.  I have had many thoughts about this and have posted many of those thoughts about this topic.  However, the first word that popped in my head when I read about this was, "Really?"  This is what our country has come to, folks.  This is what is important to us now.  If there truly is a war on Christmas, as Mr. Feuerstein claims, then why isn't he out and about really doing something about it?  Instead of arguing about the package that a very expensive cup of coffee comes in, why isn't he preaching to his flock about taking care of the problems this country faces in the same manner that Jesus would?

Here's an idea for those who are in an uproar about snowflakes and mistletoe being removed from a coffee cup.  Take that money that you spend on your daily coffee beverage, let's just say $7 a cup, multiply that by 44 days until Christmas, that's $308 and donate that to the over 1.3 million homeless children identified by public schools just last year alone!  Think of how great a Christmas could be for a child if everyone that is offended by this red cup would do that!  That is what Jesus would want you to do.  That is what Jesus himself would do.  In the book of Deuteronomy, chapter 10 verse 18 it says "He defends the fatherless and the widow and loves the alien, giving him food and clothing".  It's right there in the book that you swear by Joshua Feuerstein!  I also did some research as to where in that same Bible it says to start a national controversy over a red Starbucks cup.  My search came up empty.  However, one other thing I saw was this: "If anyone has material possessions and sees his brother in need but has no pity for him, how can the love of God be in him? Dear children, let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth". 1 John 3:17-18.  Feuerstein has also stated that he has told the Starbucks Baristas that his name is "Merry Christmas" when they ask for his name.  "I tricked you into putting 'Merry Christmas' on your cup", he says.  So now he is a liar and a deceiver and he is asking his sheeple to do the exact same thing!  Some follower of Jesus this man has turned out to be.

To an extent, I do believe there is a war on Christmas.  But it is not the same war that people like Joshua Feuerstein think.  The war is not coming from the media, or from businesses (who, by the way are in business to make money and Christmas time is the busiest season of each year).  I believe that the war on Christmas is coming from those who claim to cherish Christmas so much because it is the time to celebrate the birth of their savior, Jesus.  Hold on, hold on.  Not all of you, but a majority.  These same types of people who are standing on their pulpits, pounding their chests and screaming that the media and businesses and government have declared a war on Christmas, are the same ones standing in line at 5 p.m. on Thanksgiving Day waiting to pick up that discounted Playstaion 4 or Nintendo WiiU for their child.  All the while, they walk by a homeless Veteran on the streets begging for change so they can buy them something hot to eat and snub their noses.  Or they see a child walk into school in the middle of December when it is 15 degrees out, wearing mismatched socks, shoes that have holes in them and pants that are 2 sizes too small and no coat and they laugh.  Never once does it cross their minds that their parents have fallen on hard times.  Not thinking that the Father was laid off from the construction company that he works for because erecting buildings in the middle of winter is not a booming business.  Or maybe that the Mother or Father is a former Veteran who suffers from PTSD and cannot work because of how bad it is.  No!  They judge.  They laugh and make comments about being a welfare child, or that the parents are just too lazy to work and need to stop accepting government handouts and get an actual job.  Or even further, the parent is disabled and just cannot work because of it.  This is what our nation has come to, folks.

These same "Christians" say that our nation has fallen away from God and I agree.  Yet again, it is not because of our Government or businesses or even the media.  It is because we, as the people of this nation, have fallen away from God.  We the people have decided that mocking and judging others who are lesser, is more important than helping the least of these.  We the people have stopped helping our fellow man in their time of need and have instead decided that any assistance is a "handout".  We the people have stopped letting Jesus lead us and are determined to lead ourselves. The only war on Christmas is a war we the people have started and we are the only people who can stop it.  When you're in church and the offering plate comes around, do you give till it hurts?  Or do you give "just enough"?  Do you actually help people in need or are you one of those who say "I live in My Own Little World? (video by Christian singer Matthew West)

I will be the first to admit, there have been two times that my wife and I have received assistance to be able to provide any kind of Christmas gifts to our children.  I am not ashamed of it and feel blessed that someone believed and felt the way that Jesus did toward those who have very little or nothing.  This year will be, by all accounts the same for us as well.  There will be presents under the tree, but not very many.  Three or four a piece if we get lucky and find some great deals.  Nevertheless, that's okay.  Our kids are older and they understand that Christmas isn't about how many gifts they get, but rather the fact that Mom and Dad worked so hard to get them what they could and they recognize the love we have for them to try so hard.

This Christmas, please do not feel like there is a war on Christmas.  Do not snub your nose at the least of these.  Instead, help them and be a part of the solution.  Drop your change in the Salvation Army bucket on your way out of the store.  Stop spending your money on Starbucks every day and donate it to needy families who otherwise would not be able to buy anything for their children.  Even though we are going through some really rough financial times ourselves, I will be dropping all of my change into those red buckets and not even concern myself over red cups.  Do what Jesus commanded of us "Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.  By this everyone will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another". John 13:34-35.  Be the light of God.  After all, you may be the only Jesus that a person sees.