It's been a while, but I'm back. Back for another round of griping and complaining. Today's topic is healthcare. A touchy subject. I really am just going to give you my thoughts on how to fix healthcare. It is simple, it is easy and it is something that all politicians, whether a Republican't or a Democrap , could accept.
First of all let me preface this by saying that I can't stand politicians. I can't stand almost all of them. Whether they are at a National, State or local level, they are NOT looking out for those who put them in office. It is about their own agenda. Period. If you believe otherwise, then you're a fool. To be very truthful, a friend of mine and I have spoken at great length about how we just need to evict them all at once and start over, using only actual citizens that have a vested interest in this country. Not a politician. The system is broken folks and it doesn't matter which party you bring in to office, they will seriously screw something up. Be it Ol' Uncle Dubbya and his money draining wars or the silver tongued Obama and his Affordable Care Act. They both screwed our country so bad that it is nearly irreparable.
For the last few days I have been reading a lot of articles about the Affordable Care Act and how badly it will affect our country. In a speech some time ago about the Affordable Care Act, President Barack Obama said that if you like your doctor, you can keep them. Now, that is not a certainty at all. Most higher tier hospitals and specialists will not even consider you if you have purchased insurance through the Affordable Care Act. Going through a lesser doctor is essentially like having no doctor at all. Although the argument could be made that some care is better than no care. I guess that really depends upon the care. If you have a specialist who is one of the best in a 5 state area who knows exactly what their doing, verses a doctor who is kind of clueless and is just throwing prescriptions at you...who would you rather go to? Just the other day I read that by the year 2025, that is only eleven years from now, the insurance and healthcare landscape will be no different than it was 10 years ago. The rich getting in to the best doctors and the poor and middle class will be left to fend for themselves and die. So what is the ACA actually doing??? Nothing if you ask me.
My boss at work told me the other day that in the next few years he sees our company dropping everyone from health insurance. He says that it will be cheaper for companies to pay the fines that come from the ACA verses actually providing coverage for their employees. Ya know, he is right. I can really see this happening as well. Our healthcare system is one of the worst in the world. We have a system that is ranked LOWER than third world countries. Our system ranks 37th in the world. THIRTY SEVENTH!!! Let that soak in for just a moment. Okay, are you back with me now? Here are some countries that rank higher than us. San Marino is 34 spots higher than us. Andorra is 33 spots higher than us. Malta is 32 spots higher than us. Oman, Cyprus and Costa Rica, ALL HAVE A BETTER HEALTHCARE SYSTEM THAN US!!! So what are we going to do about it? What can we do about it other than eliminate the impostors that are in office right now? We could always go for a total V for Vendetta type of revolution, but what would it do? In the end, nothing. Take Edward Snowden for example. This man should not be wanted for treason, but hailed as a HERO!
So here is my very simple solution. Instead of wasting BILLIONS of tax dollars setting up the AFA, just open up Medicaid to everyone. Make it a viable insurance option. Make those who can afford it, pay for it and those who still can't afford it, pay very little to nothing for it. Don't let the insurance companies dictate what can and cannot be paid for. Make it all available. If someone like me wants to do Gastric Bypass surgery, make it available. But make me pay for some of it. 90/10 or 80/20. SOMETHING. But don't deny anything for anyone that is HEALTH RELATED! Boob jobs and liposuction don't count. Sorry, ladies. It really is that simple.
The bottom line about healthcare is this folks, things are bad in our country. Really bad. When it comes time to elect public officials again, don't let the party name affect your decision as to who you're voting for. Do your research and vote for the person who makes the most sense when it comes to our country. Don't let partisanship dictate how you cast your ballot this year. Make sure you know the issues at hand, one of them being the healthcare system in this country and how it NEEDS to change!