Frustration is starting to set in as we are struggling to keep in contact with the Orchestra teacher. Amanda and I have BOTH tried to reach her via email, only to not hear a response. Our son deserves the same opportunities that other students have already been given. I am so aggravated and furious with how all of this has went down that I could just scream. In no way, shape or form do I think that my son will be the next Wolfgang Mozart (yes, he was a violinist), but I know he enjoys being in Orchestra and enjoys playing his violin and is actually pretty good at it. He also deserves the same chance to be in Orchestra as everyone else had. If he does not receive his chance, you can be certain that I'll be raising some hell. I love hearing my son play his violin. It is sweet music to my ears. It is beautiful to me in a way I had never heard before. I love hearing him play and pray very much that he will get in to Orchestra class this year.
Now on to the second thing that has been eating at me for a while. Any time I post anything at all on Facebook, I get one of three reactions. I either get silence, an "I agree" or lambasted. First of all, let me explain that I post what I want, when I want it. Secondly, let me say that I could be posting MUCH worse things like crude jokes, nude women or a bunch of political propaganda that has nothing to do with anything. But I don't. I don't post any of those. HOWEVER, I do post how I believe. If you feel differently, that's fine. But if you ridicule me for how I feel or what I believe, be prepared to be unleashed upon. I don't treat you like crap for how you feel, and I'll be damned if you do the same thing to me. So let me lay it all out for you right now so you know EXACTLY how I feel. And again, if you unleash on me for how I feel or how I believe, then you had better be prepared to get unleashed upon more harshly than you've ever felt!
1.) I believe in PRO-CHOICE! The only exception is if she uses it as a "oops, I'm a whore" excuse. (Thank you for that line Billy Cooper.)
2.) I believe that EVERY PERSON has the right to get married no matter what gender of person they choose to marry. You have the right to choose who you want to be with for the next few years before you end up cheating on your spouse with a co-worker and then wind up divorced. Gays have that same exact right!!! To deny them that denies them one of their civil rights!
3.) I believe that MOST Republicans are morons. No explanation necessary. You're just idiots. One of your heroes is that douchebag Rush Limbaugh. He honestly believes that The Dark Knight Rises is a movie that was made by Democrats as political propaganda. Freakin' retarded!!!
4.) I believe that a HUGE AMOUNT of Christians are the most closed minded group of people on the planet. And I'm a Christian! Don't believe me fellow Christians??? Just read through numbers 1 and 2 again and you will prove my point.
5.) I believe that Jesus is not white at all. He was born in the Middle East. He grew inside of a Middle-Eastern woman. 2 + 2 DOES NOT equal "Apple". Geez...
6.) I believe that ALL races and religions of people should be treated as equals. Just because someone has a different view in their beliefs does not mean I'm superior over them. It just means that they've found something that works for them. Cool. Except for Scientologists. They can go f*&k themselves!
7.) I believe that MY WIFE is the most important person in my life. If you decide to take it upon yourself to verbally attack her, I WILL strike like a viper. I will not be pleasant, and I will treat you like the p.o.s. that you are. GOT IT?!?!
8.) I believe that I make tons of mistakes every single day of my life. I believe that I've made mistakes in my life that most folks could never even fathom in their wildest dreams. I absolutely, 100% believe that I am not a better person because I have found faith in Jesus. Since I feel that way, I would really appreciate it if you didn't think you're a better person than me because you don't believe yourself to be a sinner. YOU'RE NOT PERFECT! GET OVER YOURSELF!!!
9.) I WILL NOT change my mind because you THINK you're right. If I'm wrong, then I'll deal with it once I get in front of the big guy. Then I'll explain to him that all I wanted to do was to love EVERYONE the way that His Son told me to do! So you might as well keep your closed minded, ignorant thoughts away from me. Cause I'll come at ya.
10.) Why am I doing all of this? Why does it seem like I'm reverting a little bit back to my old self? Well those are two very interesting questions. Both of which I have an equally interesting answer. Because f*$k you, that's why!